Without stress to the dentist!
As doctors, we know your problem: the pain – or even the fear of it – you can not rest all night long. Often are actually necessary and often harmless doctor and dentist visits to an endless torment
As our first priority, we feel obliged to give you any time to spare in any form, sometimes the inevitable pain during your dental treatment. And – we promise, without complete freedom from pain not to start treatment. However, this promise does not help against your fear of the treatment itself.
As an experienced practice we will treat you with any form of anesthesia treatment of sleep in conjunction with experienced anesthesia specialists.
Also, pain-free treatments in a relaxed sedation are possible.
With the latest equipment to monitor – for afterwards – you will be dreaming about the most unpleasant for you form the dental restoration.
You have plenty of stress already. At the dentist, then not yet.
Especially at the dentist visit, wish nothing more than anxious patients under general anesthesia during drilling or during minor procedures.
Simply wegschlummern, wake up, and everything would be over. Mostly, however, are more „sessions“ to be WIL „Done“ is needed.
There are additional soothing treatment options where you can experience relaxing in the twilight still necessary follow-up treatments.
Get expert advice from us.