Everything is connected with everything.
The teeth are naturally in close relationship with the organism. Any change to the teeth – some dental work – also causes changes in the corresponding organs.
An incorrect bite causes back pain to the herniated disc, a missing-loaded TMJ often causes dizziness and tinnitus, dental materials give rise to allergies, nocturnal teeth grinding disrupts the hormonal balance, ulcerated tooth areas are feared sufficiently such as rheumatism, inflamed gums increases the risk of heart attacks, etc.
As a dentist and doctor of natural healing methods I have many years experience in the holistic diagnosis and therapy of (dental) medical disorders. For me, holistic thinking and treatment whatsoever to do with esoteric, but quite clearly with tangible symptom relationships between teeth and organs.
My goal is to restore your balanced sensible health, your medical balance.
This can be seen with you in advance and treat is my holistic treatment philosophy.