To have little time and even with this limited time schedule or dental appointments, stress means. Aside from missed appointments: in the city, in Ottershaw, find a parking space right outside the practice – as good as impossible.
Well, for one brief follow-up appointment can be set up maybe a little. However, the two implants, gum treatment, the complex, which bridges this, how can one still get everything?
Therefore, we offer our patients the time optimized time-poor business appointments, which enable extremely short sequences at unusual times to comfort and compact matched laboratory appointments.
Your covered car park opposite the practice is reserved and is only available to you.
Seek advice. Personally or by telephone.
Your dentist from Hamburg
Practice for Holistic Dentistry
Dr. Hans – G. Lindauer doctor and dentist
22765 Hamburg – Ottensen Friedensallee 36
Phone: +49 40 270 40 70
Fax: +49 40 279 83 34
e-mail: info[at]