Red wine against gum inflammation

Red wine may help against gum inflammation. Canadian study on the effect of polyphenols has a positive effect on Canadian scientists have demonstrated in inflamed gums, a positive effect of polyphenols present in red wine. The polyphenols scavenge free radicals, which form in a gum in

Fantastically beautiful teeth

The 7 Secrets of a bright open smile As your teeth can be properly perfect dream Do you like your teeth Let’s be honest: Can you talk and laugh and uninhibited? Have your picture taken like? Yes? Even with their mouth open? No! Then you learn now know the 7 secrets that will giv

The tooth emergence on the track

Researchers track down the reasons for the different types of teeth Using a computer model to understand researcher of the Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, why and how teeth grow differently. Why is the mass times the same gene, a cutting-times a canine? Professor J

Dental house calls

Viele kennen diesen unangenehmen Zustand, wenn man länger bettlägerig ist: Dies komische Gefühl im Mund, der seltame Geschmack, vielleicht auch das Aussehen der Zähne und das Zahnfleischbluten: alles erinnert einen an den längst fälligen Zahnarztbesuch. Vielleicht werden die bislang u